Disney Pixar
Lava is from the animated short of the same name from Disney and Pixar. The short is a musical love story that takes place over millions of years. It is set to a song called "Lava" written by Murphy, and was inspired by the "isolated beauty of tropical islands and the explosive allure of ocean volcanoes."
Both Sides Now
Emelia Jones
A touching song from the 2021Academy Award for Best Picture winning film CODA, the main protagonist Ruby Rossi (portrayed by Emilia Jones) sings the song as part of her successful audition for Berklee College of Music, while simultaneously performing it in American sign language to her deaf family who were in attendance.
Love Story
Taylor Swift
Inspired by the famous love story of Romeo and Juliet, this song is about a timeless love story between a girl and boy who's families don't necessarily approve of their love. Thankfully this love story has a happy ending unlike the Shakespeare tale!
I Can't Help Falling In Love With You
A song originally performed by Elvis Presley and in the film Blue Hawaii, it has been covered by many artists. UB40 add a reggae twist to this classic.
When You Were Young
The Killers
A catchy rock song that helped The Killers redefine their sound to include some more influence from Bruce Springsteen.
Strange Things
Disney's Toy Story
This song is from the Disney movie Toy Story, which is about Woody coming to terms with how things are changing for him as Andy is growing up and has brought Buzz Lightyear into their lives.
Take On Me
This song features a second, very fun, music video where the singers end up in a comic book style sketched world where they try and find love.